Report a fireball

You saw something bright and fast? Like a huge shooting star? Report it: it may be a fireball.

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Latest Major Fireball Events

Everyday, we receive reports about fireballs from all around the world. Here are some of the latest major Fireball Events (with at least 30 reports):

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    Pending Fireball Reports

    We are currently investigating 188 reports about fireballs seen over SC, VA, KS, CA, OR, FL, IN, Tennessee, Florida, Indiana, Connecticut, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Ohio, Delaware, Massachusetts, Montana, California, New Mexico, Colorado, Washington, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Oregon, Maine, Kentucky, South Carolina, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan and New York.

    We are also currently investigating 101 reports from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bahamas, Canada, Cuba, Germany, Dominican Republic, Estonia, France, United Kingdom, Iceland, Italy, Jamaica, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Sweden.

    Featured Photo

    Credit: WK C.

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    2018 was a pretty good year for AMS

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