Reports Report 806k (Event 806-2018)

Name Eula V
Experience Level 2/5
Remarks -
Address Brownsburg, IN
Latitude 39° 51' 19.71'' N (39.855474°)
Longitude 86° 25' 31.01'' W (-86.425281°)
Elevation 275.897m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2018-02-27 01:07 EST
UT Date & Time 2018-02-27 06:07 UT
Duration ≈45s
Moving direction From up left to down right
Descent Angle 108°
Facing azimuth 346.8°
First azimuth 258.81°
First elevation -
Last azimuth 341.05°
Last elevation -
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -26
Color White
Concurrent Sound
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation Yes
Remarks Like a sonic boom of a jet
Persistent train
Observation Yes
Duration -
Length 30°
Remarks Glowing , it was the brightest white glowing trail its open sky out in the country. I could see it traveling up in the sky above the horizon very clearly over from where highway 136 connects to 550 East. It made me think of a bottle rocket going sidways. It had some sparks that looked like small stars glowing rocks like it bursting from it as it was going past. Where I live at the height it was I could see it for a long time it was amazing. It angled more downward as it got further away and looked as though it might have blown up cause as it passed by it sparked so much like fireworks as it angled more downward then It looked like it may have hit and blew up and there was lot's more sparks thst looked like glowing rocks or stars lighting bursting from the glow as it angled more downward . It was amazing and beautiful.
Terminal flash
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Observation Unknown
Remarks -