Reports Report 460au (Event 460-2013)

Name Slavik L
Experience Level 2/5
Remarks I've seen a few astronomical occurrences in my lifetime but nothing like this. I'm an amateur photographer and I was too shell shocked to grab my camera!! But I'll never forget it either!!!
Address Los Angeles, CA
Latitude 34° 5' 54.44'' N (34.098456°)
Longitude 118° 15' 27.31'' W (-118.257586°)
Elevation 160.166595m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2013-02-21 22:45 PST
UT Date & Time 2013-02-22 06:45 UT
Duration ≈1.5s
Moving direction From up to down
Descent Angle 180°
Facing azimuth 270.05°
First azimuth 268.93°
First elevation 73°
Last azimuth 272.58°
Last elevation -
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -20
Color Blue, White
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Persistent train
Observation Yes
Duration 3s
Length -1°
Remarks The glowing long trail was with it the entire time it was in my vision. From overhead until it looked like it went into the Silver Lake Reservoir. The glow of the fireball was very thick and then at the end very small trail. Everything was blue and white.
Terminal flash
Observation Yes
Remarks That was what caught my eye to look out the window.
Observation Yes
Remarks If you mean the glow of the trails then yes.