Reports Report 14j (Event 14-2016)

Name Al P
Experience Level 5/5
Remarks This meteor was hard to estimate due to the fact the sky was completely cloudy with no planets visible when I observed it but the moon was estimated to be at about -10 magnitude from its current phase. The object probably exploded as there appeared to be an intensity increase before losing sight of it. It did light up the clouds along its path eventually ending above and to the east of the moon. It appears to be a Quadrantid Radiant. I have a picture taken within a minuet or two of the sighting which occurred at about 6:29 am this morning Monday January 4, 2016, in which you can see the moon, immersed in clouds to emphasize how restricted visibility was at the time of the sighting. Since the sky was so cloudy it is impossible to estimate the meteors true apparent magnitude. Looking at Stellarium, which is free planetarium software; I can see the meteor crossed the sky from Bootes into Virgo where the moon was located. Having seen thousands of meteors in my 50 years of observing, including a daytime fireball this is the first one I have ever witnessed in such a cloudy sky. Again it must have been very bright to see in these conditions. The object was swift and without sound. I'd like to say it may have been at least - 5 magnitude but without any stars or planets to compare it too I can't even attempt to make an accurate guess. It was not as bright as the moon was but sure was magnificent. It will be interesting to see if something shows up on an all sky camera in the tri-state area!!
Address Bethel Park, PA
Latitude 40° 19' 9.9'' N (40.319416°)
Longitude 80° 1' 12.61'' W (-80.02017°)
Elevation 376.602m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2016-01-04 06:29 EST
UT Date & Time 2016-01-04 11:29 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From up left to down right
Descent Angle 175°
Facing azimuth 153.47°
First azimuth 169.68°
First elevation 65°
Last azimuth 178.8°
Last elevation 40°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -7
Color Orange, Yellow
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation No
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Persistent train
Observation Unknown
Duration -
Length -
Remarks -
Terminal flash
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Observation Unknown
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