1- Where did you see the fireball?

Enter the closest address where you saw the fireball. The more precise you are, the more relevant the data will be.

If you know the exact latitude and longitude of you location, please user the field below. If not, we'll automatically get your geolocation form the address you entered above.

Please, use the decimal notation (ex: Latitude: 37.09024 ' - Longitude: -95.71289 ')

2- Date & Time

Please, use 24 hour format (ex: 3:15pm is 15:00)


3- Direction

Relative to your location, what direction did you see the fireball moving?

What were you facing?

4- FIRST direction

In what direction did you FIRST see the fireball

How far above the horizon was it when it first appeared?


5- LAST direction

In what direction did you LAST see the fireball

How far above the horizon was it when it disappeared?


6- Brightness & Color

How bright was the fireball (approximative stellar magnitude)?

What color was the fireball?

7- Persistent Train

Some fireballs leave smoke trails or glowing "trains" after they disappear.

8- Terminal Flash

Some fireballs explode.

9- Sound (Sonic Effects)

Some fireballs make sound.

10- Info

Note that a brief summary of all reports will appear on the AMS website. This publicly available listing will include your name but your phone number and your email will remain private.