Reports Report 1891z (Event 1891-2017)

Name Elizabeth E
Experience Level 3/5
Remarks The object was round with no tail and no sparks. It was a vivid green. The color reminded me of a traffic green light or a fireworks fragment but there were no fireworks around. It was much too big to be a fireworks fragment. It seemed maybe half the size of a full moon. I was surprised by how slowly it moved compared to a typical meteor but the speed was much faster than a fireworks spark falling. I heard no sound from it. It appeared to be falling down to earth but with a slight but definite angle from right to left. We were facing North. It disappeared after only a second or two. I wasn't sure whether it had actually vanished or had gone behind clouds. Also trees and houses would have blocked our view to the horizon had it reappeared.
Address Rockledge, FL
Latitude 28° 18' 21.57'' N (28.305992°)
Longitude 80° 44' 17.21'' W (-80.738114°)
Elevation 6.634m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2017-06-09 23:30 EDT
UT Date & Time 2017-06-10 03:30 UT
Duration ≈1.5s
Moving direction From up right to down left
Descent Angle 196°
Facing azimuth 349.08°
First azimuth 351.42°
First elevation 60°
Last azimuth 346.62°
Last elevation 40°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -13
Color Green
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
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Delayed Sound
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Persistent train
Observation Unknown
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Length -
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Terminal flash
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Observation No
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