Reports Report 3184u (Event 3184-2018)

Name Elisa B
Experience Level 3/5
Remarks I was not looking in the direction of the fireball and feel that it was already falling when I first noticed it. I was looking at the full moon which was in the eastern sky,and when I glanced in a SSW direction, I saw it. I was parked on Vandenbergh Rd after work There were mountains on the horizon, so I have difficulty assessing the angles of the trajectory. It was much larger than a falling star, about 4 or more times as large. It was bright like a falling star, which I feel is much brighter than the full moon. I was not sure how to answer the question about brightness. It was difficult for me to determine the height of the angle at which I first noticed it. It was white-blue, and larger than anything I have ever seen. Please contact me if I can be of any assistance.It was spectacular!
Address Cedar City, UT
Latitude 37° 36' 12.78'' N (37.60355°)
Longitude 113° 9' 49.35'' W (-113.163709°)
Elevation 1674.293m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2018-08-24 23:35 MDT
UT Date & Time 2018-08-25 05:35 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From up left to down right
Descent Angle 105°
Facing azimuth 180°
First azimuth 210°
First elevation 75°
Last azimuth 250°
Last elevation 25°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -16
Color Light Blue
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
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Delayed Sound
Observation No
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Persistent train
Observation No
Duration -
Length -
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Terminal flash
Observation No
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Observation Unknown
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