Observer |
Name |
Will R |
Experience Level |
Remarks |
- |
Location |
Address |
Riverton, WY |
Latitude |
43° 1' 46.29'' N (43.029524°)
Longitude |
108° 28' 0.99'' W (-108.466943°)
Elevation |
1557.68042m |
Time and Duration |
Local Date & Time |
2018-12-01 05:33 MST
UT Date & Time |
2018-12-01 12:33 UT
Duration |
Direction |
Moving direction |
From up right to down left |
Descent Angle |
253° |
Moving |
Facing azimuth |
44.34° |
First azimuth |
72.77° |
First elevation |
65° |
Last azimuth |
6.67° |
Last elevation |
67° |
Brightness and color |
Stellar Magnitude |
-11 |
Color |
White |
Concurrent Sound |
Observation |
Yes |
Remarks |
Large thundering report 2 or 3 minutes afterwards. |
Delayed Sound |
Observation |
Yes |
Remarks |
Large thundering report 2 to 3 minutes afterward |
Persistent train |
Observation |
Unknown |
Duration |
- |
Length |
- |
Remarks |
- |
Terminal flash |
Observation |
No |
Remarks |
- |
Fragmentation |
Observation |
No |
Remarks |
- |