Reports Report 5903b (Event 5903-2018)

Name Matthias Max M
Experience Level 4/5
Remarks I went outside my hotel room for a phone call and suddenly saw it coming into my view. It moved relatively slowly, faster than the ISS but much slower than shooting stars. The tail remained visible for quite some time so it was immediately obvious. It then suddenly broke apart into 5-8 pieces with a larger piece ahead. All pieces burned up individually and then nothing was seen nor heard anymore. I couldn’t believe my luck.
Address Whangarei, Northland (NZ)
Latitude 35° 43' 37.28'' S (-35.727021°)
Longitude 174° 18' 37.89'' E (174.310524°)
Elevation 13.01171m
Time and Duration
Local Date & Time 2018-12-27 22:10 NZDT
UT Date & Time 2018-12-27 09:10 UT
Duration ≈3.5s
Moving direction From down left to up right
Descent Angle 89°
Facing azimuth 320.29°
First azimuth 298.91°
First elevation 35°
Last azimuth 344.96°
Last elevation 32°
Brightness and color
Stellar Magnitude -5
Color Orange
Concurrent Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Delayed Sound
Observation No
Remarks -
Persistent train
Observation No
Duration -
Length -
Remarks -
Terminal flash
Observation Unknown
Remarks -
Observation Yes
Remarks Several pieces breaking off and burning up individually