Gary Eldridge

Member since 2015

About Gary Eldridge

I'm an amateur astronomer (very amateur) and mostly enjoy the social aspect of it but also enjoy tinkering with the technology. While living in Southern California for many years my wife and I were members of the Riverside Astronomical Society (RAS). We enjoyed the monthly camp out/star parties at the club's dark sky viewing site in the desert near Joshua Tree National Park. The favorite experience there was watching the 2001 Leonids meteor shower (it was a storm, really) with seldom a moment when there weren't two or more meteors at the same time lighting up the sky, casting shadows and filling the sky with smoke trails. I enjoy watching meteors and operate a meteor radar from my house to make radio meteor observations day and night. Other hobbies include amateur radio, hiking/backpacking, music (classical guitar, pedal steel guitar, trombone), Kite flying, remotely piloted model aircraft. Professionally I've been involved in broadcasting and corporate video. I currently manage a TV studio in the Washington D.C. area for a community college.


Meteor or possibly a fireball

© Gary Eldridge