The American Meteor Society received over 55 reports so far about a fireball event over Southern France on Wednesday, February 17th 2016 around 17:20 UT (18:20 local time). The fireball was seen primarily from the Alpine region but witnesses from as far as Corsica, Switzerland and Spain also reported the event.
If you have a video of this fireball, please share it on your free AMS account or contact us using this form.
– press only contact.
Below is a video from the event caught during a Rugby game.
Below is another video caught from Italy by © Andrea Franchi
Below is the heatmap of the location of the first witnesses as well as the estimated ground trajectory:

Could it be anything to do with iss cargo ship release (#Cygnus)?
Darrel and All,
This object was most likely a true meteor and not space junk as the duration was quite short. Re-entering space junk usually takes a minute or so to completely disintegrate verses a few seconds for a true meteor.
I hope this helps!
Robert Lunsford
BIG fireball, Last night, @ 408 highway from west to east Orlando, Florida, close to OBT rd @ 9:00 pm
Hi Carmen, I’m over in Winter Springs, Florida and I saw approximately 5 during the daytime and managed to get a few photos with my phone but, the biggest, brightest one had a blue fireball. Unfortunately I was coming back from walgreens and just couldn’t pull over safely to capture it on video or photos. But, when I was in the parking lot a couple of other people stood watching a couple fireballs or space junk coming down with me. Returning home I saw the one that was definitely a fireball. I wonder why more people or the news didn’t report anything. Plus, I made two report’s to AMS but, they’re not posted for some reason. Stay Safe, Elizabeth
I live/work in southern Indiana right across Ohio river from Louisville, Kentucky, (USA), was there a meteor visible last week or last 10 days approximately 9:45pm, DST? I called a friend when I arrived home and was teased about it, I could find nothing in the news. It would have been in the northeast sky, I live in a very rural area, it was very dark, and I saw a quick flash across the sky.
I saw it too and I thought it was odd I could see it from town…Clarksville
it was orangish in color